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Newly introduced procedure at TU Dortmund University

First name change

Students can apply to use their self-chosen first name at TU Dortmund University even before an official change of name and civil status according to the Transsexual Act (TSG) has been completed.

Necessary for the change is

  1. a dgti supplementary identity card, which serves as a useful bridging document between identity card and e.g. student ID or VRR ticket and can be applied for on the website of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality e. V..  This is also required as a bridging document to establish identity for exams.
  2. an official identification document (e.g. identity card)

You can apply for a change of first name directly via the campus portal (My Applications → Application for Change of Civil Status) of the TU Dortmund University and upload the necessary evidence there digitally.

The application will then be processed in the Student Secretariat. Afterwards, the new name will be changed in the central IT personal management and will appear on all documents, including the certificate, the e-mail address and the student ID.
Only the Uniaccount remains - it cannot be changed.

The "Guideline for the use of the chosen first name of trans*, inter* and non-binary students at TU Dortmund University" provides information on the various procedures before, during and after studies.

Would you like more information? Do you have questions? Do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to help.

Counseling will be confidential.

Employees may also request a first name change, even before an official name and civil status change has been completed. To do so, please send an e-mail to ute.zimmermanntu-dortmundde.