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Diversity month

May is Diversity Month at TU Dortmund University! Around the German Diversity Day, we are putting together a program of events that take place on campus and deal with various aspects of diversity. These include, for example, lectures, exhibitions, exchange sessions and courses that deal with topics such as gender diversity, interculturality, inclusion and accessibility.

The aim of Diversity Month is to highlight the work of many stakeholders at TU Dortmund University who are raising awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the academic world. Together, we want to promote an open and respectful atmosphere in which everyone is welcome.

Would you like to report a diversity-related event in May? Then please send an e-mail to Nadine Finke-Micheel.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Every second Thursday, the German Language Café offers international students the opportunity to get together, have interesting conversations and use or improve their German language skills. Whether A1 or C1, students of all language levels can take part.

The offer is free of charge. Registration is not required.

Further information

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Under the motto "One city. Many faces", the people of Dortmund have been celebrating their colorful city since 2016. TU Dortmund University is once again taking part this year with a stand on the south side of the Reinoldi Church.

At the TU Dortmund University information stand, interested parties can find out about logistics, machine learning, rehabilitation sciences, digital transformation, sustainability and much more and test their skills in the individual areas. Staff from the Central Student Advisory Service will also be on hand to advise prospective students. Visitors will also have the opportunity to find out more about senior studies.

Younger visitors can take part in a KinderUni lecture in the Reinoldikirche at 4 pm.

Various TU Dortmund University musical ensembles will be performing on the stage at Reinoldikirche and university sports groups will also be demonstrating their skills.

Further information

Monday, May 6, 2024

This workshop as part of in-house training offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of gender-equitable language and reduce any uncertainties.

The interactive workshop starts with a compact introduction to the topic of gender-equitable language. Why is gender-inclusive language relevant? How does it contribute to an inclusive society? We will then discuss various tips and tricks on how you can use gender-inclusive language in your everyday life.

One focus of the workshop will be on practical application with concrete examples from your everyday work. We are dependent on your help for this: If you have specific examples of use, please send them to us (as soon as possible) in the run-up to the event. This could be an e-mail correspondence, a form or even a conversation in which you were unsure how best to communicate in a gender-equitable way. We look forward to your examples.

The workshop is aimed at anyone who would like to gain more confidence in using gender-inclusive language. No previous knowledge is required, just an open mind and an interest in the topic.

Speakers: Nadine Finke-Micheel and Elisabeth Brenker

Further information and registration

Study Mondays offer the opportunity to work in a learning atmosphere while sampling drinks from all corners of the globe! Concentrated learning and relaxed exchange over an international hot or cold drink. Study Mondays offer a place of learning for international and Dortmund students, where exchange and mutual support are possible.

The offer is free of charge. Registration is not required.

Further information

For an in-depth understanding of linguistic phenomena, it is in many cases essential to take the social context into account when analyzing them and, conversely, many social issues can only be understood if we also take a look at linguistic issues. We will focus on this connection in the lecture. Various topics will be discussed, including language and gender, multilingualism and politeness. In many cases, it is useful to look at settings outside Europe, which makes it easier to question and contextualize attitudes and circumstances that are sometimes taken for granted (e.g. standard language ideologies, the monolingual habitus and language ecologies). To this end, we will also look at countries such as the Republic of South Africa and the USA, where German is represented as a minority language. In doing so (and beyond), we will focus on the specifics of the various media, including computer-mediated communication and the stylization of varieties in the media.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Zimmer

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The aim of this event is to introduce participants to sociological ways of thinking and basic sociological concepts and perspectives, as well as to transfer and apply sociological concepts and theoretical approaches to disability-specific problems and issues.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Dr. Bastian Pelka

Further information

The kick-off event for the project "Your Future in NRW - Career in SMEs" is intended as an information and networking event for small and medium-sized companies to bring interested students and companies from NRW into contact with each other and to highlight the potential of international workers in German companies. Students get to know an innovative labor market and build a network with potential future employers. The event is aimed at international students with advanced German language skills (German B2 level and higher).

The event is free of charge. Registration is requested.

Further information

Joint screening of the short film speaking flowers by Conrad Veit and Charlotte Maria Kätzl, followed by a discussion with both about their film.

Queer* Peers - The network of queer* employees at TU Dortmund University is once again presenting the Diversity Talks during Diversity Month in May. All people at TU Dortmund University - students, employees from technology, administration and science as well as professors - are cordially invited to get into conversation with each other. Because dealing with diversity concerns us all.

Registration is not required.

Further information and access data

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 0231-755-6565. Further information can be found on the DoBuS website. Registration is not necessary.

Are you wondering whether a scholarship is an option for you?

The talent scouting team 's open telephone scholarship consultation hour provides initial guidance on the scholarship landscape and takes place every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Telephone: 0231-755 8090

In the Moodle room you will find information on all aspects of the scholarship search and application.

Alternatively, you can also contact the team by e-mail: stipendienberatungtu-dortmundde

Further information

Eat & Read is a meeting place for students and employees of TU Dortmund University, which offers the opportunity to read, learn and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. This open event takes place regularly on Wednesdays in the IBZ. Freshly prepared waffles, coffee and tea are offered. You can also browse through the bookshelves in the foyer. Anyone interested is invited to take books with them and provide their own books.

The offer is free of charge. Registration is not required.

Further information

Diversity also means jumping over one's own shadow and getting to know new cultures and ways of life. And TU Dortmund University students can do just that in a new cooperation in South Africa in the small village of Touwsrivier, around 2.5 hours from Cape Town. Whether for the English Teacher Training Stay Abroad or simply to gain a new experience, practical placements are also possible here at short notice - even with a start in the summer! - possible. International Coordinator Laura Hope from the International Office will present her own experiences in the projects in Touwsrivier and in South Africa in general for all those who are considering doing an internship there.

Registration is not required.

Overview of projects and scholarships

Monday, May 13, 2024

Accessible posting! Social media posts are only accessible to everyone if certain aspects are taken into account. In May, Diversity Month, DoBuS is therefore offering a short workshop on four dates on the topic of "Accessible posting using Instagram as an example". The workshop is aimed at anyone who manages social media channels (professionally or privately) and wants to reach as many users as possible. The workshops have the same content and can be transferred to other platforms (TikTok, X, Facebook, etc.) in many cases.

Please register by sending an e-mail to finnja.luettmanntu-dortmundde with the information on which day and at what time you would like to participate.

The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail in good time before the event.

Further information

For an in-depth understanding of linguistic phenomena, it is in many cases essential to take the social context into account when analyzing them and, conversely, many social issues can only be understood if we also take a look at linguistic issues. We will focus on this connection in the lecture. Various topics will be discussed, including language and gender, multilingualism and politeness. In many cases, it is useful to look at settings outside Europe, which makes it easier to question and contextualize attitudes and circumstances that are sometimes taken for granted (e.g. standard language ideologies, the monolingual habitus and language ecologies). To this end, we will also look at countries such as the Republic of South Africa and the USA, where German is represented as a minority language. In doing so (and beyond), we will focus on the specifics of the various media, including computer-mediated communication and the stylization of varieties in the media.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Zimmer

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Accessible posting! Social media posts are only accessible to everyone if certain aspects are taken into account. In May, Diversity Month, DoBuS is therefore offering a short workshop on four dates on the topic of "Accessible posting using Instagram as an example". The workshop is aimed at anyone who manages social media channels (professionally or privately) and wants to reach as many users as possible. The workshops have the same content and can be transferred to other platforms (TikTok, X, Facebook, etc.) in many cases.

Please register by sending an e-mail to finnja.luettmanntu-dortmundde with the information on which day and at what time you would like to participate.

The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail in good time before the event. The hybrid workshops will take place in parallel at Emil-Figge-Str. 50.

Further information

The aim of this event is to introduce participants to sociological ways of thinking and basic sociological concepts and perspectives, as well as to transfer and apply sociological concepts and theoretical approaches to disability-specific problems and issues.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Dr. Bastian Pelka

Further information

Accessible posting! Social media posts are only accessible to everyone if certain aspects are taken into account. In May, Diversity Month, DoBuS is therefore offering a short workshop on four dates on the topic of "Accessible posting using Instagram as an example". The workshop is aimed at anyone who manages social media channels (professionally or privately) and wants to reach as many users as possible. The workshops have the same content and can be transferred to other platforms (TikTok, X, Facebook, etc.) in many cases.

Please register by sending an e-mail to finnja.luettmanntu-dortmundde with the information on which day and at what time you would like to participate.

The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail in good time before the event. The hybrid workshops will take place in parallel at Emil-Figge-Str. 50.

Further information

Speaker: Julia Memmert from the MenoSupport project

Many working women are confronted with menopausal symptoms. Symptoms such as hot flushes, sleep disorders and concentration problems often influence women's career decisions. It can lead to them turning down promotions, reducing hours or retiring early. The MenoSupport project aims to support affected women and develop innovative measures for companies to promote workplace health for women going through the menopause.

Queer* Peers - The network of queer* employees at TU Dortmund University is once again presenting the Diversity Talks during Diversity Month in May. All people at TU Dortmund University - students, employees from technology, administration and science as well as professors - are cordially invited to get into conversation with each other. Because dealing with diversity concerns us all.

Registration is not required.

Further information and access data

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The seminar begins by covering the basics of physical functional impairment and disability. Various terms and definitions as well as types of impairments are highlighted. In terms of inclusion, participation and inclusion are also described and discussed and are always considered in the further course of the seminar. The topic of resilience, i.e. the mental resilience of people with disabilities, is underpinned by various health psychology principles and models. The relevance of promoting inclusion with a focus on mental health despite personal functional coping strategies will also be discussed.

Guests are welcome during Diversity Month, but the number of participants is limited. Registration via e-mail is therefore requested.

Teacher: Vivien Raczkiewicz

The all-day voice and speech training course as part of helps female students and academics to gain more self-confidence and expressiveness for career entry and other aspects of (professional) life.

Body language and voice influence communication. What I say is one aspect. HOW I say it is quite another, but it has a huge impact. The content of what is said will not be accepted if body language and voice contradict it. Even in the virtual space, where a large part of non-verbal communication is lost, a conscious use of voice and gestures is a key to being successful and convincing in terms of content.

In this workshop, you will first receive basic input on the topics of voice and speech optimization. You will then be taught knowledge and techniques on how you can best reach your counterpart in a confident and expressive manner. You will receive individual tips and advice on how to improve your voice and body expression to suit the situation. At the same time, you will be sensitized to perceive and interpret the body language of your counterpart in order to recognize and react to misunderstandings.

Content and focus

  • Short theoretical inputs
  • Short voice training sessions
  • Many practical exercises
  • Individual feedback

The workshop will be held in German. The offer is aimed at female students, academics and graduates from all faculties at TU Dortmund University. Participation is free of charge. The number of participants is limited. is a project of the Equal Opportunities Office at TU Dortmund University. It aims to show female students and academics from various disciplines career development opportunities in the region and to support them in preparing for a career outside academia.

Further information and registration

Every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 0231-755-6565. Further information can be found on the DoBuS website. Registration is not necessary.

Are you wondering whether a scholarship is an option for you?

The talent scouting team 's open telephone scholarship consultation hour provides initial guidance on the scholarship landscape and takes place every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Telephone: 0231-755 8090

In the Moodle room you will find information on all aspects of the scholarship search and application.

Alternatively, you can also contact the team by e-mail: stipendienberatungtu-dortmundde

Further information

Thursday, May 16, 2024 (Global Accessibility Awareness Day)

Accessible posting! Social media posts are only accessible to everyone if certain aspects are taken into account. In May, Diversity Month, DoBuS is therefore offering a short workshop on four dates on the topic of "Accessible posting using Instagram as an example". The workshop is aimed at anyone who manages social media channels (professionally or privately) and wants to reach as many users as possible. The workshops have the same content and can be transferred to other platforms (TikTok, X, Facebook, etc.) in many cases.

Please register by sending an e-mail to finnja.luettmanntu-dortmundde with the information on which day and at what time you would like to participate.

The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail in good time before the event.

Further information

The workshop is aimed at web editors from the university context. Participants will gain an initial insight into what needs to be considered when designing accessible (university) websites (e.g. dealing with page structures, images/graphics, colors/contrasts and links).

All contents of the workshop will be explained in more detail in a detailed guide and made freely available after the event.

To participate via Zoom

The workshop "Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche. Tools and offers for studying" by the Kompetenzzentrum digitale is aimed at students with dyslexia as users of assistive technology and provides an overview of helpful digital tools for everyday study and possible support services. You can participate anonymously. To do so, enter a pseudonym in the "First name" and "Surname" fields when registering. Alternatively, you can change your name in the waiting room on the day of the meeting.

The offer is free of charge. Please register via the website of the Kompetenzzentrum digitale

Further information

The Vice-Rectorate International Affairs and the Department of International Affairs invite interested TU members to the third Global Gallery. In the style of a vernissage, international projects of the university will be presented with a poster presentation and awarded prizes by the guests.

Please register by April 30, 2024.

Further information and registration

Friday, May 17, 2024 (IDAHOBITA*)

10 a.m. | SRG, Foyer: Midissage "Everyone has a gender: your own"

From April 29 to May 29, 2024, the exhibition "Jede:r hat ein Geschlecht - Das eigene" will be on display in the foyer of the seminar room building (Friedrich-Wöhler Weg 6) on Campus North. Six intersex people share their individual experiences and their wishes for political and social change.

From medically unnecessary, harmful interventions to everyday marginalization - intersex people experience human rights violations and discrimination in Germany. The exhibition was developed in 2018 as a campaign by Amnesty International and focuses on personal perspectives. These need to be heard in order to create more knowledge and acceptance.

On May 17, 2024(IDAHOBITA*) at 10 a.m. there will be a midissage for the exhibition. The Vice-Rector for Diversity, Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr, and the Dortmund university group of Amnesty International will open the event. Charlotte Wunn, 1st Chairperson of the Bundesverband Intergeschlechtliche Menschen e. V. (Federal Association of Intersex People), will give an introductory talk on the exhibition and the topic of inter* at the university.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The aim of this event is to introduce participants to sociological ways of thinking and basic sociological concepts and perspectives, as well as to transfer and apply sociological concepts and theoretical approaches to disability-specific problems and issues.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Dr. Bastian Pelka

Further information

Speakers: Lena Nedwed & Tim Trappen

With the rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), the question of how diverse AI is is becoming increasingly important. How do such systems represent our bodies, for example, and what implications do such representations, especially with a focus on gender, have for our own perception?

Based on data on the gender distribution of occupational groups within the EU, we try to find an approach by assessing possible biases in generative AI. With the help of two multimodal models for the generation and evaluation of images, we approach the question of whether images generated by AI tend to be biased along socio-demographic axes such as gender and racialization, and what role our society plays in this context. We provide an insight into philosophical and sociological theories relevant to our research question. We will also show which methods we have applied to the empirical data generated by the AI.

We will then invite you to a discussion in which we will look at AI as a speculative tool for uncovering social biases.

Queer* Peers - The network of queer* employees at TU Dortmund University is once again presenting the Diversity Talks during Diversity Month in May. All people at TU Dortmund University - students, employees from technology, administration and science as well as professors - are cordially invited to get into conversation with each other. Because dealing with diversity concerns us all.

Registration is not required.

Further information and access data

Wednesday May 22, 2024

The seminar begins by covering the basics of physical functional impairment and disability. Various terms and definitions as well as types of impairments are highlighted. In terms of inclusion, participation and inclusion are also described and discussed and are always considered in the further course of the seminar. The topic of resilience, i.e. the mental resilience of people with disabilities, is underpinned by various health psychology principles and models. The relevance of promoting inclusion with a focus on mental health despite personal functional coping strategies will also be discussed.

Guests are welcome during Diversity Month, but the number of participants is limited. Registration via e-mail is therefore requested.

Teacher: Vivien Raczkiewicz

Every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 0231-755-6565. Further information can be found on the DoBuS website. Registration is not necessary.

Are you wondering whether a scholarship is an option for you?

The talent scouting team 's open telephone scholarship consultation hour provides initial guidance on the scholarship landscape and takes place every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Telephone: 0231-755 8090

In the Moodle room you will find information on all aspects of the scholarship search and application.

Alternatively, you can also contact the team by e-mail: stipendienberatungtu-dortmundde

Further information

Eat & Read is a meeting place for students and employees of TU Dortmund University, which offers the opportunity to read, learn and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. This open event takes place regularly on Wednesdays in the IBZ. Freshly prepared waffles, coffee and tea are offered. You can also browse through the bookshelves in the foyer. Anyone interested is invited to take books with them and provide their own books.

The offer is free of charge. Registration is not required.

Further information

Monday, May 27, 2024

For an in-depth understanding of linguistic phenomena, it is in many cases essential to take the social context into account when analyzing them and, conversely, many social issues can only be understood if we also take a look at linguistic issues. We will focus on this connection in the lecture. Various topics will be discussed, including language and gender, multilingualism and politeness. In many cases, it is useful to look at settings outside Europe, which makes it easier to question and contextualize attitudes and circumstances that are sometimes taken for granted (e.g. standard language ideologies, the monolingual habitus and language ecologies). To this end, we will also look at countries such as the Republic of South Africa and the USA, where German is represented as a minority language. In doing so (and beyond), we will focus on the specifics of the various media, including computer-mediated communication and the stylization of varieties in the media.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Zimmer

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (German Diversity Day)

The aim of this event is to introduce participants to sociological ways of thinking and basic sociological concepts and perspectives, as well as to transfer and apply sociological concepts and theoretical approaches to disability-specific problems and issues.

Guests are very welcome during Diversity Month! Registration is not necessary.

Lecturer: Dr. Bastian Pelka

Further information

2 to 6 p.m. | Emil-Figge-Str. 50: Program for German Diversity Day

The highlight of Diversity Month will be activities on the 12th German Diversity Day on May 28, 2024. The program will take place on campus at Emil-Figge-Straße 50 in the foyer and lecture hall 3.

In the foyer:

  • From 2 p.m.: Diversity Info Market
    Diversity stakeholders at TU Dortmund University with information stands and activities on site.

Parallel in lecture hall 3:

  • 2 pm: Diversity Talk "SchuDS an der TU Dortmund: Zentrale Beratungsstelle hat ein offenes Ohr für Diskriminierung und sexualisiserte Gewalt"
    The advice centre for protection against discrimination and sexualized violence (SchuDS) introduces itself.
  • 3 pm: Keynote with Prof. Dr. Aladin El Mafaalani
    The sociologist ("Wozu Rassismus", "Mythos Bildung", "Das Integrationsparadox") speaks on the topic of discrimination at universities

In the foyer:

  • 4 pm: Talk TU us - What does TU Dortmund University need to better counter discrimination and sexualized violence on campus?
    Your participation is required here: Come and talk to responsible persons at TU Dortmund University (Vice-Rector for Diversity, Equal Opportunities Officer, AStA, etc.) and let us know what you think is necessary to counter discrimination and sexualized violence on campus. If you do not wish to speak on site, there will also be an opportunity to submit ideas and suggestions online in advance. We will include these in the discussion and subsequent evaluation.

The entire day is based on an awareness concept, which is intended to support a constructive and low-discrimination framework.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The seminar begins by covering the basics of physical functional impairment and disability. Various terms and definitions as well as types of impairments are highlighted. In terms of inclusion, participation and inclusion are also described and discussed and are always considered in the further course of the seminar. The topic of resilience, i.e. the mental resilience of people with disabilities, is underpinned by various health psychology principles and models. The relevance of promoting inclusion with a focus on mental health despite personal functional coping strategies will also be discussed.

Guests are welcome during Diversity Month, but the number of participants is limited. Registration via e-mail is therefore requested.

Teacher: Vivien Raczkiewicz

Every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 0231-755-6565. Further information can be found on the DoBuS website. Registration is not necessary.

Are you wondering whether a scholarship is an option for you?

The talent scouting team 's open telephone scholarship consultation hour provides initial guidance on the scholarship landscape and takes place every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Telephone: 0231-755 8090

In the Moodle room you will find information on all aspects of the scholarship search and application.

Alternatively, you can also contact the team by e-mail: stipendienberatungtu-dortmundde

Further information