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Family charter

Target agreement

The TU Dortmund University pursues the following goals in the spirit of the charter "Family in Higher Education":

Family-conscious leadership

  • Include family issues in initial counseling for all new appointees
  • Include the topic of family-friendliness in existing training and continuing education formats for managers
  • Form a working group on the topic of "part-time leadership

Design of the campus infrastructure

  • Implement barrier-free path guidance system
  • Develop an online babysitter pool


Logo Charta Family in the University © Familien in der Hochschule e.V.
close-up of a couple holding baby shoes © Pixabay
Young hands hold an older hand © obencem​/​
A white chalk drawing of a family on the floor. © Ralf Gosch​/​
Mother with daughter sitting on her lap at a work space. © Monkey Business2​/​