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The Family Service supports

Caring for relatives

TU Dortmund University supports people who care for relatives: Our care guide will be happy to inform you.

When close relatives become in need of care, this often comes unprepared. With the high emotional burden comes many new tasks. Carers don't know when to call it a day, vacations can't be used for relaxation, there is no time for personal friendships and activities and sometimes the understanding of outsiders decreases. Care and support often have to be organized in a very short space of time. Many carers are also working full-time or studying and are unsure how much understanding their superiors or teachers will have for their private situation.

In this difficult situation, our care pilot is your first point of contact on campus for questions about caring for relatives. How can members of the university reconcile care and work/studies? Where can I find advice and contact points on campus? Who are the contact persons inside and outside the university? Your questions will be structured together with our care pilot and the next steps will be discussed with the family members providing care.

Our care guide does not offer care advice, but information that will give you, the person seeking advice, guidance for the first steps. Discussions are treated in strict confidence.

You are welcome to arrange a personal appointment.

Contact us

A photo of Ulrike Grates. She is a woman with blond hair and wears glasses
Ulrike Grates
„I would like to encourage the people who care for other people. I want to give them the chance to talk and stay in touch.“


Information on support options for students

Are you looking after a loved one?

The project "Pausentaste - Those who help others sometimes need help themselves" aims to support young carers throughout Germany by offering low-threshold advice. The service is primarily aimed at children and young people who are carers. You can find more information at

The flyer with all the information can be downloaded here: Link to the flyer


A young man leaning against a kitchen counter looks out of the window, holding a coffee cup in his hand. © BMFSFJ
Picture should say: small breaks help to relax

Support services in Dortmund

This Internet database is a service of the City of Dortmund - Social Welfare Office/Specialist Service for Senior Citizens. If you are a caring relative, friend or neighbor and would like to organize support for someone in need of help, you can access a wide range of care services in Dortmund. The Dortmund Care Guide offers you a comprehensive overview of various providers within the city area.

Go to the website

In cooperation with numerous partners, the City of Dortmund offers a selection of information and services for older people on its website. The contact details of the senior citizens' offices in the 12 city districts can be found under the heading "Senior citizens in the city district".

To the website

A care expert and a specialist doctor are available here to provide you with expert advice on dealing with dementia patients.

To the website