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Children games case

The children's game case is a hard case with various toys and coloring materials, some books and much more, with which your child can occupy himself meaningfully while you go about your work. The contents of the suitcase are suitable for children from 1 ½ years old to elementary school age. The suitcase is very easy to transport, as it is a normal travel suitcase that you can drag behind you.

The suitcase includes building blocks, a train set, a marble run, puzzles, audio games, a portable CD player with headphones and books for different age groups. A play blanket can be used to provide your child with a larger play area on the floor.

In the event that you need to take your child to the workplace, the children's games case provides a meaningful activity for your child in your office.

The children's games case can also be used at events in your area (e.g. conferences).

The children's games case can be borrowed free of charge by all members of the TU.

The children's games case is located in the Family Servoce of Staff Unit Equal Opportunities, Familiy, and Diversity , August-Schmidt-Str. 1, Room 1.10.

It can be borrowed without much effort after prior request by  e-Mail.

When you return the children's game case, the case and the contents should be clean and the accessories should be safely stored.

Please urgently observe our terms of use. By using the Kids Game Case, you accept the Terms of Use.

With the use of the children's game case, the terms of use are automatically accepted.

What do I have to pay attention to?

Use of the children's games case is at your own risk. Unsupervised use of the KiKo is not permitted. The hard case is only for storing and transporting the play materials and should not be left for the child to play with. Please make sure that the case is not painted or used for climbing, sitting in, or the like.

The users are responsible for the careful treatment of the children's play case including its contents.

The use of the children's play case does not mean that the room in question is equipped appropriately for children or that the toys in the children's play case are actually suitable for the child. Therefore, please check in particular whether the toy is suitable for your child, taking into account the developmental stage of your child, and pay attention to possible sources of danger in your office (cables, drawers, sockets, etc.).

When should the children's game case not be used?

The children's play case may not be used if the child in care is suffering from or suspected of suffering from a contagious disease (chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, rubella, gastrointestinal disease, covid 19 or similar).

Use is also excluded in the event of severe febrile illness or infestation with transmissible parasites (head lice, fleas, etc.).

Small suitcase with a teddy bear sitting on it © pixabay