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current since August 30, 2021

Secretariat Management Network

  • Equal opportunities
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Schriftmarke: Netzwerk Sekretariatsmanagement © TU Dortmund

This fall's Secretarial Management Network is scheduled for September 28, 2021, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.


Topic Overview:

- Ergonomic working in the home office

- Personnel development: (new work concepts / mobile working, onboarding, tandem mentoring for new secretarial employees).

A network for secretarial and administrative staff

At the network meetings, the topics are based on the current needs of the participants; they are jointly determined and worked on. Depending on the topic, speakers from the various areas of TU Dortmund University are invited to answer specific questions. In addition, there is sufficient time for the exchange of experiences.

The meetings take place regularly.