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Current since 25 January 2021

Career forum for postdocs: Third-party funding for the postdoc career

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Information, exchange, personal advice - at the Career Forum on 25 March 2021 you will get all this in one day.

Information, exchange, personal advice - at the Career Forum on 25 March 2021 you will get all this in one day.

Various third-party funding organisations (German Research Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, National Contact Point EU, Fritz Thyssen Foundation) will present their funding lines for postdocs and answer your questions. Specific advice on obtaining third-party funding will be provided by staff of the research funding institutions of the UA Ruhr universities.


You can put together your own individual day plan from a wide-ranging programme with informative rounds on topics such as "Insights into third-party funding management", "Initiating research associations" and reports on the experiences of successful applicants.

The Career Forum will take place online via Zoom. You will receive all access information in good time after registration.

Registration and the programme of the Career Forum are now available at

Anmeldeschluss ist der 03.03.2021.

The registration deadline is 03.03.2021.

The Career Forum is part of the cross-university offer for career development in science within the framework of the Research Academy Ruhr (RAR), the platform of the University Alliance Ruhr (University of Duisburg-Essen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund) to support young scientists.

If you have any questions, please contact the programme coordinator Nadine Finke-Micheel at extension 0231/755 7124 or by email at karriereforumtu-dortmundde.