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Antisemitism at Universities - how can we deal with it?
- SchuDS

Dear members of the TU,
We cordially invite you to the workshops on the topic: “Antisemitism at Universities - how can we deal with it?”.
Antisemitism is a problem in many areas of society and is also noticeable at universities. Many Jewish students report antisemitic incidents or universities become a place of antisemitic agitation. For this reason, there are now opportunities for further training in order to gain confidence in dealing with antisemitic incidents.
Four individual workshops (not a series of workshops) on the topic of antisemitism at universities with the counseling centers
ADIRA – Antidiskriminierungsberatung und Intervention bei Antisemitismus und Rassismus
OFEK e.V. – Beratung bei antisemitischen Vorfällen und Übergriffen
When and where?
06.06.2024, 9am-1pm at the TU Dortmund (with ADIRA)
11.09.2024, 9am-1pm at the TU Dortmund (with ADIRA)
10.10.2024, 10am-2pm at the Ruhr University Bochum (with ADIRA)
03.12.2024, 9am-1pm online (with OFEK e.V.)
For whom?
Everyone who works in an advisory capacity at TU Dortmund University or RUB is invited. This can be employees, but also students. Basic principles of antisemitism-critical counseling of those affected will be presented so that they can also be used in their work at the university. There will also be room for exchange so that you and your universities can contribute your own examples and questions. The workshops take place in cooperation with the Anti-Discrimination Office of Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Employees of TU Dortmund University can register for the workshops via the in-house training program in the “4 Arbeitsplatz TU Dortmund” section.
TU Dortmund students can register via e-mail to
Additional offer:
By participating in one of the m workshops, members of TU Dortmund University also have the opportunity to take part in a Mental Health First Aid course free of charge! (Participation must take place in 2024)
We look forward to your registration!
Kind regards
Nicole Jansen (she/her) and Kaya Gödeke (she/her)