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current since 04 October 2021

Paths to Professorship - 21st Career Forum for Postdocs

  • Equal opportunities
  • News

On September 23, 2021, Prof. Dr. Anna Franckowiak (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Prof. Dr. Ahmet Toprak (FH Dortmund) and Prof. Dr. Steffen Strese spoke at the RAR Career Forum for Postdocs about very different ways to achieve a professorship. They gave a very personal insight into their career paths, talked about the relevance of networks and the fulfillment of specific criteria for professorship applicants.

There was also an open and broad discussion about experiences of discrimination in appointment procedures and working conditions in science.

In the end, all three agreed that the freedom in research and the collaboration with international and highly interested researchers and learners make the professorship their dream job.

After the panel discussion, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about the appointment process and the requirements for professorships in individual consultations and from various experts.

The next Career Forum will take place on March 24, 2022. If you would like to stay informed about the current program, please register for the e-mail distribution list at