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Language makes disability - workshop for employees

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Language makes disability Workshop for employees © Nicole Jansen​/​TU Dortmund
The workshop deals with disability and discrimination in everyday working life and the inclusive contribution of language and work culture.
The workshop deals with disability and discrimination in everyday working life and the inclusive contribution of language and work culture.

Dear employees of TU Dortmund University,

The judgment of people based on their (supposed) inabilities is deeply rooted in our society. Ideas about performance and norms in the work context often reflect devaluations towards disabled people that prevent social inclusion. The workshop deals with disability and discrimination in everyday working life as well as the question of which language and working culture can contribute to inclusion and recognition.


01.04.2025 from 9-13 o'clock


In presence

How to register?

Via the service portal 


Dr. Claudia Gottwald & Michelle Grengel of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences