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Short-term childcare (Kuki) at the HoKiDo e.V. daycare center still has places available
- Family
- News

The short-term childcare (Kuki) of the HoKiDo e.V. daycare center still has places available for children between the ages of one and three for flexible care in the morning or afternoon. This is particularly an offer for students and employees of TU Dortmund University, but can also be used by guests of the university. If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Rosing directly at kukihokidode or +49 (0)231 18 74 515.
Further information can be found on the website under this link.
There are currently still places available from August 1, 2024 in the large daycare centers at the North and South Campus for children between two months and three years of age. If you are interested, please contact TU Dortmund University's Family Service directly by emailing familien-servicetu-dortmundde. You can also fill out the application form directly online via this link. Further information on childcare services can be found on the family portal.