Room of silence
The Room of Silence is open to all members and affiliates of TU Dortmund University who are looking for peace, a place of reflection or retreat. The Room of Silence is a place that is subject to the principle of neutrality. The focus is on the individual use of the room by individuals. The Room of Silence is open according to the building's opening hours and is located on the North Campus in Seminar Room Building 1 (Friedrich-Wöhler-Weg 6) in Room 0.027.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact: raumderstilletu-dortmundde
The Room of Silence is open to everyone at TU Dortmund University. It is always open when the university buildings are open. The room is located on the North Campus in SRG 1 in room 0.027. There are comfortable armchairs and beach chairs in the room. It offers acoustic and visual islands of retreat.
The top priority for the Room of Silence is mutual respect and peace and quiet. If there is more than one person there, this is especially important. Talking to each other helps, e.g. you can tell each other what you want to do there and how long you want to be there. And, whoever visits the Room of Silence naturally shows consideration for the furniture and furnishings as well as, logically, for the people working in the neighboring offices.
The following rules of use apply, which are also displayed in the room.
The Room of Silence is located in the seminar room building 1 on the first floor in room 0.027.
If you observe any violations of the room's dedication or usage regulations, please send an email to raumderstilletu-dortmundde.