WoMens OPEN University
The event took place from the winter semester 2007 to the summer semester 2014 with different topics. In the summer semester 2014 (26-28 June), the topic was "Figures of Thought in (Generational) Change - Feminist Knowledge in Motion".
- Verena Bruchhagen (Projektleitung), Dr. Gisela Steenbuck, Institute of Sociology (Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology)
- Institute for Church and Society of the Protestant Church of Westphalia, Dr. Friederike Höher
Cooperation partner:
- Centre for Higher Education/ZHB
- Students of the Technical University of Dortmund
Different actors, experts and representatives from internal and external fields of practice and professions meet here with those working in gender work, with diversity and equality officers and with those interested in politics and the subject to exchange about how feminist knowledge is represented today, how it can be shared, valued and thought about further for the future. Contributions are:
- Prof. e.m. Dr. Christina Thürmer-Rohr, Berlin: Kassandra and feminism today: talking about what is important
- Prof. e.m. Dr. Sigrid Metz-Göckel, Dortmund: Border crossers between science and social movement
- Panel discussion: Sexy Pop & Punk Feminism vs. academic-feminist theorising - a generational question?
- Prof. Michael Meuser, Chair of Sociology of Gender Relations, TU Dortmund: Geschlechterwissen und Genderkompetenz? On the change of forms of knowledge and knowledge carriers
Students of the TU Dortmund University will actively contribute to the programme from study projects or accompany the event as sounding boards. In a concluding workshop, the event will be brought to a close with the method of "Presencing - leading from the future" - (Otto Scharmer, MIT). This event will give the different actors the opportunity to inform themselves, to network, to learn, to get to know theoretical as well as practice-oriented perspectives and to think together different facets and points of view.
A participation fee of 30.00 € will be charged for the three-day event at Campus Treff, Campus North. Participation is free for students.
More information:
Verena Bruchhagen +49 (0)231 755 2853
Previous events:
- (2 - 4 February 2013): "All-inclusive: Social and digital networking of women as a contribution to integration?"
- (2 - 4 February 2012): "Hidden worlds of domestic and family WORK: privatised - marketed - professionalised"
- (8 - 10 October 2009): "Money or life? A question of gender?!"
- (25 - 27 September 2008): "100 Years of Women's Studies - 90 Years of Women's Suffrage: Developments between Professionalisation and Politicisation"
- (10 - 13 October 2007): "Is emancipation still in demand? Emancipation dynamics in everyday life, profession and politics"