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TU intensifies reading promotion: Teaching better reading through

The event has been held regularly since the summer semester of 2012.

  • Prof. Dr. Gudrun Marci-Boehncke, Chair of Modern German Literature (Faculty of Cultural Studies)
  • University Library of the TU Dortmund
  • City of Dortmund with municipal library, schools and daycare centers
  • Archive of the city of Wuppertal
  • Newspaper archive of the city of Dortmund
  • Further facilities

Cooperation between schools and libraries is an integral part of reading promotion - also and especially in the digital-media world. The certificate in literary pedagogy, "XPRTN for Reading" at the TU Dortmund University, is recognized by the Federal Association for the Promotion of Reading and is an additional qualification offered to student teachers in the subject of German and prepares them to actively shape this cooperation.
Here, students deal both theoretically and practically with the promotion of reading in and out of school. Particular focus is placed on questions concerning the promotion of reading motivation in general, various target groups along the educational chain, language and reading development, as well as inclusion and quality management. Special attention is also given to the teaching of digital-media skills in the context of reading promotion activities in heterogeneous learning groups.

Further information