Inclusive media education in school and out-of-school contexts
The event has been held annually since the summer semester 2014.
- Annette Pola, Rehabilitation and Education in Physical Disability (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences)
- Leevke Wilkens, Rehabilitation and Pedagogy in Physical Disability (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences)
- External workshops for people with disabilities
Working with (digital) media has become very important in educational institutions. This applies to schools as well as to non-school educational institutions. At the same time, all educational institutions are affected by the changes associated with inclusion. These two developments will continue to occupy the education sector for years to come.
In this event, both developments will be looked at together, as media education can significantly support the further development of an inclusive education system. First of all, the basics will be laid in order to build on them and learn about and test possibilities for the didactically meaningful use of (digital) media. An essential part of the seminar is practical experience with small projects of inclusive media education with cooperation partners, mostly non-school institutions.
Target group: Students of German studies and special needs education.