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Early change of first name possible with immediate effect
- Diversity

When trans*, inter*, and non-binary individuals' gender identity and chosen name do not match the registrations in higher education systems, they often experience unwanted outings and discrimination. However, an official change of first name and gender identity is a lengthy process. TU Dortmund University sees itself as a university of lived and valued diversity, whose goal is to create study, research and working conditions that are conducive to discrimination. For this reason, the university has decided that students have the opportunity to apply for a change of first name and gender entry in the university context in advance without a court order. In the future, enrollment can also already take place with a new first name. Students will be listed accordingly in full under the newly chosen first name after submitting their application.
The process of early first name change at TU Dortmund University has been reliably regulated with the help of an internal guideline. The guideline was taken note of by the NRW Ministry for Culture and Science without any objections. The procedure could also be implemented in this way at other universities in NRW. At TU Dortmund University, everyone involved is already benefiting from the fact that the process is now no longer determined by a series of individual decisions.
Students can seek confidential advice from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Family and Diversity in all cases of first name change and/or gender change.