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current since 01.03.2021

additional network meeting

  • Equal opportunities
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Schriftmarke: Netzwerk Sekretariatsmanagement © TU Dortmund

Dear network participants,

at our last two network meetings on 2.2. and 23.2.2021, not all information on the topic of "Navigation in the service portal" could be conveyed due to time constraints. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer you a further follow-up date and Karin Puzicha, ITMC staff member in the Media Services department, will be able to continue the navigation on this topic.

This additional date is scheduled for Wednesday, 03/24/2021, from 11am-1pm, and will also take place online via Zoom.

Registration for the event is possible online via the following link until 17.03.2021: Registration.

Please note that participation is only permitted with prior registration in the ServicePortal!

The access data Zoom, with which you can log in to the event, will be communicated to you by Department 3.3, Continuing Education and Training Team after the registration deadline.