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The Staff Unit Equal Opportunity, Family, Diversity reinforces the culture of diversity at TU Dortmund University. It develops, implements and supports strategies, instruments and measures to improve equal opportunities and family friendliness.

Staff Unit Equal Opportunites, Family, and Diversity



Online Care Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 10:00 a.m.

The next meeting where family caregivers can exchange ideas will take place on 11.02.2025 at 10 a.m. in Zoom.
Arms reach to the center. There is a lifebuoy with shamrocks and hearts

Antisemitism at Universities - Teach & Talk for Teachers

In cooperation with OFEK e.V., SchuDS is once again offering specialist talks for teachers on the topic of antisemitism. The online event will take…
Infobild mit grünem Hintergrund. Text vor weißem Hintergrund "Antisemitismus an Hochschulen. Teach & Talk. Fachgespräch für Lehrende. 04.02.2025 von 12-13:30 Uhr - Zoom. Rechts neben dem Text ist ein Bild, auf dem mehrere Menschen auf Stühlen oder in Sitzsäcken einer Person zugewandt sind, die an einem Board steht und darauf zeigt. Links unten in der Bildecke steht „In Kooperation mit“ und darunter ist das Logo von OFEK e.V.

SchuDS in the "Voices of TU" Podcast

Kaya Gödeke and Nicole Jansen from SchuDS were guests on the podcast "Voices of TU" by the teaching editorial team at TU Dortmund University's…
Avatare von Nicole Jansen und Kaya Gödeke. Daneben vor lilanem Hintergrund in weißer Schrift Voices of TU KURT. Darunter Schallwellen und ein Piktogramm eines Mikros.

Updating the “One University for All” Action Plan

The "One University for All" action plan implements the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at TU Dortmund University and has now…
Schwarze Schrift in Großbuchstaben vor weißem Rechteck: Eine Hochschule für alle. Im Hintergrund verschieden große bunte Kreise als Dekoelemente.

Antisemitism at Universities - Teach & Talk for Teachers

In cooperation with OFEK e.V., SchuDS offers expert talks for teachers on the topic of antisemitism. The online events will take place on 16.12.2024…
Pictogram of symbolic meeting, anti-Semitism at universities Table & Talk

On-campus vacation care

... discover a wide range of vacation activities for children of different age groups
Symbolic image of campus near vacation care, children, pumpkins, gingerbread man, flowers, sun hat and sunglasses are integrated in the corners and symbolize the seasons

Forum on the Abuse of Power at TU Dortmund University

Rector Manfred Bayer, Vice Dean for Diversity Petra Wiederkehr and all other members of the Abuse of Power Working Group invite all students and…

Online care meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

Caring for relatives often comes very unprepared. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Arms reach to the center. There is a lifebuoy with shamrocks and hearts