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Protection against discrimination and against sexualized violence

The Guideline for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence at TU Dortmund University specifies a consultation and complaints procedure for those affected by discrimination and sexualized violence at TU Dortmund University. It also aims to raise awareness and attention at TU Dortmund University for discrimination and sexualized violence.

Counseling center for protection against discrimination and sexualized violence

To support the implementation of the above-mentioned guideline, the TU Dortmund University has established a central advice center (SchuDS). The employees of the advice center are available to all members and affiliates of the TU Dortmund University.


Complaints office according to § 13 AGG

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) is a federal law that aims to prevent or eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.

Section 13 of the AGG gives employees of the university the right to complain to the department if they feel they have been discriminated against in connection with their employment by the employer, superiors, other employees or third parties on any of the above grounds.

Are you an employee of TU Dortmund University and would like to report a case in which you feel you have been discriminated against in the above sense? Please contact the TU Dortmund Complaints Office:

Your complaint is not bound to any form or deadline. You can contact Ms. Moysich-Lengowski in writing, by e-mail, in person or by telephone.
