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Language makes disability - workshop for employees

The workshop deals with disability and discrimination in everyday working life and the inclusive contribution of language and work culture.
Language makes disability Workshop for employees

Relocation of the Equal Opportunities, Family and Diversity Unit

The Equal Opportunities, Family and Diversity Office has a new location!
The word information is circled by a speech bubble.

Parents' Café at HoKiDo

Would you like to meet other parents and are waiting for the TU Dortmund University Parents' Café to reopen? Here is an alternative.
In der Mitte in grüner Schrift "Bei HoKiDo Elterncafé" mit einer Grafik einer Kaffee-Tasse mit Augen. Links daneben ein Kalender auf dem in englisch "Every Wednesday" steht und rechts daneben eine analoge Uhr, die die Uhrzeit 8:15 Uhr zeigt. Die Piktogramme, Grafiken und die Schrift sind in grün und orange gehalten.

Online Care Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 10 a.m.

The next meeting where family caregivers can exchange ideas will take place on 11.02.2025 at 10 a.m. in Zoom.
Arms reach to the center. There is a lifebuoy with shamrocks and hearts

On-campus vacation care

... discover a wide range of vacation activities for children of different age groups
Symbolic image of campus near vacation care, children, pumpkins, gingerbread man, flowers, sun hat and sunglasses are integrated in the corners and symbolize the seasons

Online Care Meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10 a.m.

Caring for relatives often comes very unprepared. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Arms reach to the center. There is a lifebuoy with shamrocks and hearts

World Children's Day 2024 - Into the future with children's rights

In line with this year's motto, the TU's Family Service is committed to promoting the compatibility of studying and working. As a signatory to the…
Text “World Children's Day 2024” Therefore flowers, stars, a cat, a child and a butterfly

Free U3 childcare places at TU Dortmund University

The large daycare centers at the North and South Campus still have childcare places available for children aged 2 months to 3 years.
Orangener Hintergrund. Davor Schrift auf weißem oder grünem Hintergrund "U3-Betreuung am Campus. Bye bye Kita-Kinder, Hello Little Ones. Es sind noch Plätze frei - jetzt bewerben". Zusätzlich dekorieren zwei Piktogramme das Bild: Eine grün-weiße, lächelnde Blume und ein grünes Herz mit Matura-Hut, das sich selbst umarmt.

UA Ruhr signs charter on reconciling work and care

TU Dortmund University, the University of Duisburg-Essen and Ruhr-Universität Bochum have signed the "Charta Vereinbarkeit von Beruf & Pflege in…
Drei Menschen stehen nebeneinander und schauen lächelnd in die Kamera. Prof. Dr. Links steht Manfred Bayer, Rektor der TU Dortmund. In der Mitte steht Prof. Dr. Barbara Albert, Rektorin der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Rechts steht Prof. Dr. Martin Paul, Rektor der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Online care meeting on Tuesday, 06.08.2024, 10:00 a.m.

Caring for relatives often comes very unprepared. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Arms reach to the center. There is a lifebuoy with shamrocks and hearts

Hurray, hurray, the Easter bunny has arrived

... and in addition to all kinds of goodies, she also had some free U3 daycare places with her.
Easter bunny looks into the daycare center from outside through the window, two children look out of the daycare center at the bunny. The picture is surrounded by a frame with Easter motifs (chicks, flowers, etc.)

Second online care meeting for students

Reconciling studying and caring for relatives requires individual and creative solutions. Let's network together, share our own valuable experiences…
Two hands form a heart and hold the word "Care"

Academic qualification and family - bukof positions itself

bukof has published a statement on compatibility and family policy regulations in the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act.
One big dot meets many small dots

Free large daycare places at the TU Dortmund University

No U3 childcare place available for August 2024? The large daycare centers at the North and South Campus still have places available.
Child's head in a painted house as a symbol for child care at TU Dortmund University.

Online care meeting on Tuesday, 23.04.2024, 10:00 a.m.

Caring for relatives often comes very unprepared. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Elderly people with their hands crossed.

Short-term childcare (Kuki) at the HoKiDo e.V. daycare center still has places available

The short-term childcare (Kuki) of the HoKiDo e.V. daycare center still has places available for children between the ages of one and three for…

Child's head in a painted house as a symbol for child care at TU Dortmund University.

Pre-Christmas Family Get-Together 2023

The Vice President International Affairs Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten and the Vice Presidnet Diversity Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr in cooperation with the…
 Pre-Christmas party invitation. The text is in the middle of the picture, the background is black with colorful Christmas decorations. Decorated Christmas trees protrude into the picture on the right and left.

New toddler group at HoKiDo for parents and children: Playing and exchanging ideas together

On Fridays from 14:30 to 15:30 the new toddler group takes place at HoKiDo. Parents and children (under 3 years) are cordially invited.
Three crawling children and a rattle are shown in a white circle.

Online nursing meeting 6 of June 2023

The care of relatives often comes much unexpected. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Ältere Menschen, die ihre Hände übereinander gelegt haben.

New dates for the Parent Café 2023

There are new dates until the summer break for the Parent Café. Make a note of the new dates now.
children drawn on a blackboard

Online nursing meeting 28. March 2023

The care of relatives often comes much unexpected. Organizing the care situation is a challenge.
Ältere Menschen, die ihre Hände übereinander gelegt haben.

Next Parent Café in January 2023

From now onwards the Parents' Café will once again be held as usual on the North Campus at Emil-Figge-Strasse 66 in room E09. We are happy to invite…
children drawn on a blackboard

Open Day at the Day Care Centers on TU Campus

On 30 January 2023, the open door day will be held at the childcare facilities (for children under 3 years old) on TU campus.
Ein Teddybär steht rechts am Bildrand und winkt. In eier Sprechblase steht, dass der tag der offenen Tür für die Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen am Campus stattfinden wird.

Vacant places for autmn holiday childcare

The autumn holiday care will take place from 4 October to 14 2022. Please read carefully our note on the subsidization of the vacation offer.
shows girl doing handicrafts

New Dates for Parents' Café 2022

The parents' café is on the summer break and at the same we time look forward to new dates from autumn 2022! Make a note of the new dates now.
children drawn on a blackboard

Free places available in short-term childcare at HokiDO

From August onwards there are free childcare places available at KuKi in HoKiDo
[Translate to English:]

Next Parent Café in July 2022

From now onwards the Parents' Café will once again be held as usual on the North Campus at Emil-Figge-Strasse 66 in room E09. We are happy to invite…
children drawn on a blackboard

Vacant places for summer holiday childcare

The summer holiday care will take place from 27 June to 15 July 2022. Please read carefully our note on the subsidization of the vacation offer.
shows girl doing handicrafts

Next Online Parent Café in April 2022

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

TU Fathers Network - tenth meeting

The next meeting on Tuesday, Mai 10, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. will also be about all family topics that concern fathers at TU Dortmund.
shows colorful game pieces

Registration link easter holiday care 2022

The easter holiday care will take place from 11. to 23.04.2022. Please read carefully our note on the subsidization of the vacation offer.
shows girl doing handicrafts

TU Fathers Network - eighth meeting

The next meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. will also be about all family topics that concern fathers at TU Dortmund.
shows colorful game pieces

Next Online Parent Café in March 2022

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

Next Online Parent Café in February 2022

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

Next Online Parent Café in January 2022

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

Next Online Parent Café in December 2021

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

Interview with care pilot Ulrike Grates

Three questions for TU Pflegelotsin Ulrike Grates: Support in finding contact points and offers of help with caregiving tasks.
Two hands lie on top of each other. The younger person's hand is on top of the older person.

Next Online Parent Café in November 2021

Die nächsten Termine finden weiterhin als online-Meeting statt, nun mit zoom! Der Link zur An­mel­dung befindet sich hier unten auf der Seite.
children drawn on a blackboard

TU Fathers Network - seventh meeting

The next meeting on Tuesday, October 20, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. will also deal with all family topics that affect fathers at TU Dortmund University.
shows colorful game pieces

Registration link autumn holiday care 2021

The autumn holiday care will take place from 11.10. to 22.10.2021. Please read carefully our note on the subsidization of the vacation offer.
shows girl doing handicrafts

No office hours of the Family Service on the TU Dortmund campus

Due to the Corona pandemic, there are currently no office hours on campus. Please email us and we will schedule a phone consultation.
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act: What's new from 01.09.2021

Parents can expect more flexibility, more partnership and less bureaucracy with the second law of parental allowance and parental leave.
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Satisfaction survey on the Sofatutor learning platform

Sofatutor - A TU offer for school children of employees in times of pandemic: Family Service reports results of satisfaction survey
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Next Online Parent Café in September 2021

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

Date Parents Café July 14, 2021

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

TU Fathers Network - fifth meeting

All family topics that concern fathers at TU Dortmund University will also be discussed at the next meeting.
shows colorful game pieces

New employee for our staff unit

We are pleased to welcome our new employee, Ms. Katja Kißler. Ms. Kißler will work with Jeannette Kratz for the "Family" area of our staff unit.
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Registration link summer holiday care 2021

The summer holiday care takes place in the first three weeks. The registration link is activated. We look forward to your children
shows girl doing handicrafts

Free places at campus-based childcare

Several full-day childcare slots for children under/over 3 years of age have become available at campus-based childcare and will be available to fill…
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Next Online Parent Café in June 2021

The next dates will still take place as an online meeting, now with zoom! The link to register is here at the bottom of the page.
children drawn on a blackboard

New offer: Learning platform for school children of TU Dortmund University employees - trial period May and June 2021

Dear parents, we would like to support you in the current phase of the Corona pandemic with a new offer: Starting May 3, your school children (1st…
[Translate to English:]

Next Online Parent Café Wed, May 19, 2021,

Parent Café dates from 2021: The next dates will now take place online as zoom meetings! The link for registration will be sent via the Elterncafé…
children drawn on a blackboard

Our current information about the Easter holiday care 2021

Unfortunately, the Easter holiday supervision 2021 on the TU Dortmund campus cannot take place!
shows girl doing handicrafts

Next Online Parent Café Wed, May 19, 2021,

Parent Café dates from 2021: The next dates will initially continue to take place online as a zoom meeting! The link for registration will be sent…
children drawn on a blackboard

TU Fathers Network - fourth meeting

The next meeting will be about all family topics that concern fathers at TU Dortmund University. Again online, on Tues., 08.06.2021 between 1:30 -…
shows colorful game pieces

Next Online Parent Café Wed, March 17, 2021

Parent Café dates from 2021: The next dates will initially continue to take place online as a Webex meeting! The link for registration will be…
children drawn on a blackboard

Award ceremony and presentation of the "Family*Pictures" photo competition

A year ago, we launched the photo competition "Family*Pictures" at UA Ruhr. All university members were invited to share pictures with us that show…
Logo names family concept of the TU Dortmund

Care guide for the TU Dortmund

A new personal information service on campus: our care helper provides information to all university members with questions about caring for…
Young hands hold an older hand

Date for the next, third TU Fathers' Network

The third meeting will also deal with all family topics that affect fathers at TU Dortmund University. Again online, on 09.02.2021. Interested parties…
shows colorful game pieces

New fathers interviews online

Four other fathers at TU Dortmund University told us how they reconcile caring for their children with work and research.
shows colorful game pieces

Next meeting Secretariat Management Network

2021, the Secretarial Management Network will be held on 2 February and 28 September, both from 11:00 to 13:00.

Schriftmarke: Netzwerk Sekretariatsmanagement

TU Fathers Network - second meeting

The second meeting will also deal with all family topics that affect fathers at TU Dortmund University. Again online, on 8.12.2020. Interested parties…
shows colorful game pieces

TU Dortmund Family Friendly Employer

The TU Dortmund reached place 7 of the TOP 10 most family-friendly companies in Germany in the sector university/education/university/schools.
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

TU Fathers Network

TU-Fathers-Network - A different view: Fathers exchange views.
shows colorful game pieces

Vacation care autumn vacations

The 2020 fall holiday care will take place - registration is open!
shows girl doing handicrafts

New dates parents café

Parent Café dates beginning in WS 2020-21:
children drawn on a blackboard

How does homeschooling affect children and parents?

A study team from the Faculty of Education Psychology and Sociology at TU Dortmund University is investigating the effects of home schooling by Corona…
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

Corona and family

The Corona crisis presents many challenges for all of us, but especially for employees and students with children or children.
Child wears red plastic bucket as a hat on his head

UA Ruhr photo contest family*pictures

Who is family and what does family life feel like?
Logo names family concept of the TU Dortmund