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Special regulations for students with child(ren)

Status: June 2023

As a general rule, anyone wishing to receive BAföG must not have reached the age of 45 at the start of their training. However, there are some exceptions.

The age limit may be exceeded in the following cases

  • for graduates of the second educational pathway
  • for students who were enrolled without a higher education entrance qualification due to their professional qualification
  • for persons undergoing further training that is legally required for the desired profession
  • for persons in additional training to which access was opened by the previous training
  • for trainees who were prevented from starting training earlier for family reasons
  • for trainees who became needy due to a drastic change in personal circumstances

The following applies to all exceptions: Training must be commenced immediately after the obstacle has been removed. For trainees who, on reaching the age of 45, are raising their own children under the age of 14 without interruption and do not work more than 30 hours per week, the age limit is postponed until the child's 14th birthday.

Students who live with at least one child of their own who has not yet reached the age of 10 can apply for a flat-rate childcare allowance of €160 per month for each child. The childcare allowance is paid as a full grant and does not have to be repaid. If both parents receive BAföG, only one parent can apply for the childcare allowance.

BAföG recipients may earn a maximum of €6,240 within a normal approval period of 12 months, i.e. an average of €520 per month (this does not apply to self-employment or compulsory internships). If they earn more, BAföG must be expected to be reduced.

The monthly allowance increases by €730 for each child of the student. (§ 23 para. 1 no. 3 BAföG).

From the 5th semester onwards, educational support will only be provided on presentation of proof of academic achievement. As a rule, the proof of performance consists of a certificate issued by the university after the start of the 4th semester, stating that the student will have completed the usual coursework by the end of the respective semester if the course progresses as planned. If the period of pregnancy and/or raising a child under the age of ten falls within the first four semesters of study, the BAföG office may allow the proof of performance to be submitted at a later date.

If the maximum funding period is exceeded due to pregnancy and/or the care and upbringing of a child up to the age of 10, funding can be granted "for an appropriate period" beyond the maximum funding period (§ 15 Para. 3 No. 5 BAföG). You should submit an "Application for extension of the maximum funding period" to the responsible BAföG office in good time.

TIP: It is best to always submit all the necessary documents to your caseworker in person and in good time so that it can be clarified immediately whether the documents are complete or whether you still need to submit something. This will help to ensure a smooth application process and avoid any gaps in funding.