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Current information

Unfortunately, there is currently no parents' café. As soon as we are able to offer dates again, they will be published here immediately.

Would you like to be notified when new events are coming up? Write to us by e-mail and we will be happy to add you to our family mailing list.


HoKiDo offers a parents' café every Wednesday from 8:15 am to 9:45 am.

Parent Exchange

Parents' Café

The Parents' Café at TU Dortmund University is a place for students and employees with children and for those who want to become parents.
Fathers and mothers can meet in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about questions about childcare, financing options and the daily challenges of parenting. You are welcome to give each other tips on how to combine family life with studies, research or work.

Children are welcome to attend, play facilities will be provided.

Get together of parents.
[Translate to English:]

The Parents' Café on the net

 Ein Laptop auf dem die Facebookseite "Elterncafé TU Dortmund" geöffnet ist © Pixabay

Up-to-date information is also available on the Facebook-Site „Elterncafé TU Dortmund“.

Further opportunities for exchange are offered by the (closed) Facebook group "Elterncafé an der TU Dortmund".

Anyone who is interested is cordially invited.

Contact us

How do I find the parent café on campus?

August-Schmidt-Str. 1, R. 0.31b