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Joint project work at the Rehabilitation Technology Department

The event took place in the summer semester 2012.


  • Michael Schaten, Rehabilitation Technology (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences)
  • Computer science students


The aim of the interdisciplinary project work was to create a web-based tool for semi-automatic testing of the comprehensibility of texts. In a first step, the tool automatically checks the readability of texts on the basis of the Flesch and Vienna factual text formula. To do this, it analyses various parameters, such as the number of words per sentence or the number of syllables per word. On this basis, an initial feedback is given about the checked text. In a second step, users can check their texts manually for additional parameters, such as the occurrence of avoidable foreign words or abbreviations, and they receive assistance with any necessary revision.

In addition to implementing the software, the students' task was also to evaluate it. For this purpose, students from different faculties acted as test subjects.

During the final presentation, the students will present their results to the interested public.

The final presentation took place on 27 March 2012 at 4 p.m. in room 4.442.

someone operates a touchscreen monitor © Archiv​/​TU Dortmund
Image for the dialog "Joint project work at the Department of Rehabilitation Technology " Image 1
Woman operates touchscreen © Archiv​/​TU Dortmund
Image for the dialog "Joint project work in the field of rehabilitation technology" Image 2